- Commander Farsight
- 65 XV-8 Crisis Suits
- 9 Broadsides
- 48 Stealth Suits
- 9 Piranhas
- 11 Devilfish
- 10 Hammer Heads
- 3 Sky Rays
- 216 Firewarriors
- 1 Tigershark
- 60 Drones
I once had a full force organization fully painted. But as I said before I acquired more models from people leaving and sales and other what not. Then Games Workshop did about the most evil thing in a long time, they didnt raise prices, the made the game bigger -- they introduced an expansion called Apocalypse. This created rules for games more than 3,000 points. So, my army doubled in size in less than two months and has grown to its present size within the last year.
Doing some reading around the internet I finally started getting the right tools for the right jobs. I purchased an airbrush with an air compressor. I was amazed how much this sped up the base painting process. I also purchased a rotary tool (a Dremmel) for conversions I have been looking at.
So, whats the current situation of my army?
Farsight and his bodyguards are still painted in their original paint scheme, 3 modified with markerlight heads/5 no change
12 XV-8s in their original paint scheme
11 XV-8's (airbrushed and need repainting)
31 XV-8s (correct color)
3 Skyrays correct color
6 Devilfish (original paint scheme)
72 Firewarriors original paint scheme
72 Firewarriors basecoated black w/padding painted
72 Firewarriors basecoated black
6 Broadsides original paint scheme
3 Broadsides base coated black
6 Stealth Suits original paint scheme
42 Stealth Suits base coated black
I think that I will try to get at least one squad of XV-8's and one Hammer Head semi completed....kinda.....
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