Monday, July 12, 2010

Farsight Rebasing

Bought new Xacto knife blades today. Wanted to get a better edge for removing the XV-8's out of Farsight's bodyguard so I didnt cut the heck out of my fingers again.

I was lucky in the fact that the old bases I used clear PVA glue and railroad ballast. It made short work of cutting the feet off of the bases. It was easy using the back of the blade to remove the ballast that was still attached to the bottom of the feet. The feet came out suprisingly clean and free of any excess ballast.

Next step was to remount the XV-8's on new clear "flying" stands. This also went relatively quick by drilling out two of the XV-8 holes in between the jumpacks. All of the remaining XV-8's were not mounted so they took a new stand easy.

Two XV-8's lost their feet. The ankle part on an XV-8 is extremely weak and brittle. You can see older models that have a large amount of CE glue and accelerator "caked" up where the shin meets the foot, or ankle area. One is mounted on a stand, the other is leaning back on a stand on the base.

Farsight fared the worst. Not only have I reglued his feet back to the legs, but when I tried to remove the feet from the base, the center "toe" cracked off from the foot assembly. After I got the toe off of the base I reglued the toe back to the foot and set both feet on the new base. Farsight is currently set on a stand with both feet underneath him.

I am also considering of giving farsight a new sword, probably a wraith sword variant. I have seen two or three different models posed with the wraith sword and I think its a significant improvement over the "kopesh" styled blade. I my opinnion the regular blade looks way to small to be used on an XV-8. The pictures below I think are by far the best conversions I have seen for the Farsight XV-8 with a new sword:

Here is a more detailed link of how he did this and what he used:

Currently five of the XV-8's still need to be converted to the "marker light head" style. Most likely this will be done tomorrow night. At least three are completed and I do think they look really sharp. At least when I put them on a table there will be no doubt that the opposing player will know that this is indeed a special unit. Not only that, I will be able to tell the suits apart so they dont get mixed up into different units.

When the rest of the conversions for the heads are completed, I will most likely rebase the unit in primer black. The next coat will be the machrite red. From there I am in a bit of a toss up of where to go from the standard paint scheme. I have seen a few articles on weathering models and am thinking of going in that direction. Farsight Enclaves are supposed to be a "break away faction". So a fair bit of weathering will most likely be applied.

This was a good tutorial, on painting in a desert camoflauge. I found this video intresting in the fact that the author not only use Flames paints but also GW paints. For the weathering he used a simple technique of applying black first (one of the Flames colors), and then bolt-gun metal (one of the GW colors).

If you are noticing a pattern, yes I do surf the web alot. I do retain the right to use, borrow, and out right steal other peoples ideas for their models. Likewise if there are items I have made and conversions I have done, that I have passed on to other players I have come across over the years. If you see me 'incorperating" an idea that either you or one of your friends have used or come up with, take it as a complement and not an insult. On the same note if you see a conversion that I have done and you want to copy it, please feel free to do so. I give out the details on what parts I used or how I painted the model.

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