Sunday, July 11, 2010


Bought a total of four more malachite red paint bottles and one bedab black wash. I am going to disect the wash for consistency with regular citadel (tm) paints.

Just in case I am going to make an unoffical/offical statement: I am making a disclamer, I use games-workshop stuff, models, paints, and tools. Its for my own enjoyment and I am not seeking compensation in any way or form except for maybe having the chance to stomp (many) future opponents face into the dirt and say bad things about their mom. While I am stomping said opponents face in the ground, saying bad things about their mom, I do reserve the right to have a cold refreshing beverage, and maybe a hot pocket or a burger.

Lest I digress, four paint bottles should be enough to paint about 24ish more XV-8's. Meaning I can fisnish off the XV-8's except for Farsight and his body guard.

Main issue is that there are 15 XV-8's that are already based as is Faright and his body guard. I have to pry, cut, remove said XV-8's off of the old bases and put them on to new bases. The bases arent the problem, its removng them. Last time I removed an XV-8 off of a base I put a centimeter cut into my left pointer finger. Blood everywhere, not cool. So I am thinking heavy work gloves, or sawing them off. The liquid that breaks down the bond in CE glue will litterally melt plastic, on both sides. So in order to save the feet, this needs to be done slowly.

Another reason I am redoing the bases is that due to the age of the bases, the PVA glue dried, and the railroad ballast I used has hardened and cracked and pulled away from the base of the model. Of the orgional seven XV-8 models I started with, Farsight, a command team, and an elite choice, all of the ballast as started to crack and come off of the bases. The same has happened to all three XV-88's-Broadsides. So maybe its time for a bit of chage for basing, something a little different.

After the XV-88's are done. I will start on the XV-25 Stealth Suits. At least only six are painted and based, so redoing them should go much faster.

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